

Enumeration, Guides

SMB Enumeration Guide


Server Message Block is a network protocol used to provide shared access to files, printers, and serial ports between nodes on a network. SMB servers can be accessed through various command-line tools such as SMBClient or through file browsing tools. This service runs on either port 139 or port 445 by default.

This guide will cover the main methods to enumerate an SMB server in order to find potential vulnerabilities or misconfiguration.

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Enumeration, Guides

FTP Enumeration Guide


FTP is a network protocol used to transfer files from a server to a client over a network. FTP servers can be accessed either via the ftp command-line tool or via third-party applications such as FileZilla. This service runs on port 21 by default.

This guide will cover the main methods to enumerate an FTP server in order to find potential vulnerabilities or misconfigurations.

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