

Guides, Privilege Escalation, Windows

Windows Privilege Escalation – Insecure GUI Applications


Certain applications may be running or may be allowed to run with higher privileges than the current user due to their need to access particular system files or simply due to misconfigurations. Since anything done within the said application will be executed with the privileges of the process, if it allows to perform other actions such as opening a command prompt or running executables those will also be executed with high privileges, therefore allowing to escalate privileges.

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Guides, Linux, Privilege Escalation

Linux Privilege Escalation – Exploiting User-Defined Functions


User-Defined Functions in MySQL are used to extend the functionality by adding external code that will work the same as inbuilt functions. Certain versions of MySQL are affected by vulnerabilities that could allow attackers with database root access to execute code in the context of the MySQL process, which is often root, and escalate privileges.

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Guides, Privilege Escalation, Windows

Windows Privilege Escalation – Startup Applications


Windows allows users to set specific applications to automatically start whenever a user authenticates, by placing their executables in a directory designed specifically for startup programs. Although this feature can be very handy, if startup programs are set up with improper permissions it may allow attackers to escalate privileges, as these programs are executed in the context of the user who is logging in at that point in time.

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Guides, Linux, Privilege Escalation

Linux Privilege Escalation – Exploiting Capabilities


Capabilities in Linux are special attributes that can be allocated to processes, binaries, services and users and they can allow them specific privileges that are normally reserved for root-level actions, such as being able to intercept network traffic or mount/unmount file systems. If misconfigured, these could allow an attacker to elevate their privileges to root.

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Guides, Privilege Escalation, Windows

Windows Privilege Escalation – Exploiting Autorun


Windows allows users to set specific programs to automatically start whenever the system boots, the list of programs that have this functionality enabled is stored in the Windows Registry. Although this feature can be very handy if startup programs are setup with improper permissions it may allow attackers to escalate privileges, as these programs are executed in the context of the user who is logging in at that point in time.

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Guides, Linux, Privilege Escalation

Linux Privilege Escalation – Vulnerable Sudo Version


Sudo is a program for Unix-like operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the superuser. It originally stood for “superuser do” as the older versions of Sudo were designed to run commands only as the superuser. It is commonly used in scenarios where normal users need to be able to perform actions as root.

Over the years, certain versions of Sudo were found to be affected by vulnerabilities that allowed attackers to escalate privileges to root, this guide will demonstrate how to identify a vulnerable Sudo version and how to exploit it in order to perform privilege escalation.

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Guides, Privilege Escalation, Windows

Windows Privilege Escalation – Kernel Exploits


The kernel is a component of the operating system that sits at the core of it, it has complete control over everything that occurs in the system. Because of this, exploiting vulnerabilities in the kernel will pretty much always result in a full system compromise.

Kernel exploits affect a certain version of a kernel or operating system and they are generally executed locally on the target machine in order to escalate privileges to system.

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Guides, Linux, Privilege Escalation

Linux Privilege Escalation – Credentials Harvesting


Linux-based operating systems and applications often store clear text, encoded or hashed credentials in files or in memory.

When gaining initial access to a Linux machine and performing privilege escalation enumeration steps, often passwords can be found through these means and they can be used to further escalate privileges.

There are various methods to harvest credentials in a Linux system in order to escalate privileges, the following ones are the most common and they are always worth a try.

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Guides, Linux, Privilege Escalation

Linux Privilege Escalation – Exploiting Bashrc


The .bashrc file is a script used in Linux-based operating systems that is executed whenever a user logs in. It contains important configurations for the terminal session such as the coloring, aliases, history length, or any commands that need to be executed at login.

It is a hidden file as it begins with a dot and it is normally located in the user’s home directory and like other files stored in this location, by default, it can be read by all users although it can only be edited by the owner or super users. If improper permissions have been applied to this file, it could allow potential attackers to add malicious commands that will be run when the user logs in.

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