

Reviews, Training Labs

Offensive Security Proving Grounds (Practice) Review


I decided to subscribe to the Proving Grounds platform after failing my first OSCP exam attempt and after completing the virtual hacking labs platform, I was very intrigued by the fact that the machines in this platform were developed by Offensive Security and therefore I was sure the quality of the machines would live up to expectations.

Proving Grounds is a platform that allows you to practice your penetration testing skills in a HTB-like environment, you connect to the lab via OpenVPN and you have a control panel that allows you revert/stop/start machines and submit flags to achieve points and climb the leaderboard.

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CTF Walkthroughs, TryHackMe

TryHackMe – Vulnversity Walkthrough


This room is part of the TryHackMe’s Offensive Pentesting learning path, which is something a lot of people use when preparing for their OSCP exam. This was one of the first rooms and it involved attacking a web application exploiting a file upload functionality, bypassing file extension whitelisting, and exploiting a SUID binary to escalate privileges.

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