

CTF Walkthroughs, VulnHub

VulnHub – Stapler: 1 Walkthrough


This was an easy Linux machine that involved exploiting a WordPress plugin to gain access to the wp-config.php file which contained database credentials and uploading a malicious plugin into WordPress to gain remote access. Privilege escalation was then possible by exploiting a clear-text password left in the BASH history or an insecure cron job.

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CTF Walkthroughs, Hack The Box

Hack The Box – Bucket Walkthrough


This was an intermediate Linux box that involved exploiting an insecure AWS S3 bucket to upload a PHP reverse shell to gain remote access, using credentials found in an unprotected DynamoDB database to gain a user shell and exploiting a vulnerable PHP script to extract the root user’s private SSH keys and escalate privileges to root through the DynamoDB database.

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CTF Walkthroughs, TryHackMe

TryHackMe – Skynet Walkthrough


This was an easy Linux box that involved accessing an open SMB share containing a list of credentials that could be used to bruteforce a SquirrelMail web application, finding SMB credentials on the application to access a new share which revealed a second web application, and exploiting a remote file inclusion vulnerability in Cuppa CMS to gain remote access. Privilege escalation was possible due to a misconfigured cron job running as root and using a wildcard with the tar command.

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CTF Walkthroughs, VulnHub

VulnHub – Kioptrix 1.4 Walkthrough


This was an easy Linux box that involved exploiting a directory traversal vulnerability in the pChart web application in order to access the rules in the Apache configuration file, which revealed a user agent change was necessary to be able to navigate to the PHPTax web application hosted on port 8080, which was affected by a remote code execution vulnerability that could be used to gain remote access to the machine. A simple kernel exploit can then be used to escalate privileges to root.

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Guides, Privilege Escalation, Windows

Windows Privilege Escalation – Kernel Exploits


The kernel is a component of the operating system that sits at the core of it, it has complete control over everything that occurs in the system. Because of this, exploiting vulnerabilities in the kernel will pretty much always result in a full system compromise.

Kernel exploits affect a certain version of a kernel or operating system and they are generally executed locally on the target machine in order to escalate privileges to system.

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CTF Walkthroughs, Hack The Box

Hack The Box – Laboratory Walkthrough


This was a fairly easy Linux box that involved exploiting a local file inclusion and remote code execution vulnerability in GitLab to gain remote access to the machine, obtaining administrative access to GitLab through the console to find a user’s private key and exploiting a PATH hijack vulnerability within a SUID script to escalate privileges to root.

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Guides, Linux, Privilege Escalation

Linux Privilege Escalation – Exploiting Shell Sessions


The Linux shell (or terminal) is a program that receives commands from the user, gives them to the operating system to process, and then displays the output on the screen. To make life easier when interacting with a system through a shell, terminal multiplexers can be used; these are software applications that have the ability to combine several separate pseudoterminal-based login sessions inside a single terminal display and they are particularly useful when dealing with multiple programs from a command-line interface and for creating sub-processes that will continue running even when the user is disconnected. Their main purpose is to increase productivity, by allowing users to run multiple programs within a single interface and switch between them seamlessly.

If a terminal multiplexer session is still active as a privileged user (or a different user from the current one), a low-privileged user could be able to attach to it to elevate its access to the user the multiplexer session is running as.

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Enumeration, Guides

SMB Enumeration Guide


Server Message Block is a network protocol used to provide shared access to files, printers, and serial ports between nodes on a network. SMB servers can be accessed through various command-line tools such as SMBClient or through file browsing tools. This service runs on either port 139 or port 445 by default.

This guide will cover the main methods to enumerate an SMB server in order to find potential vulnerabilities or misconfiguration.

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