

Buffer Overflow, Guides, Stack Buffer Overflow

Stack Buffer Overflow – Vulnserver Guide


Vulnserver is a multithreaded Windows based TCP server that listens for client connections on port 9999 and it is primarily used for Stack Buffer Overflow exploitation practice.

I was suggested this great tool when preparing for my OSCP certification exam as I didn’t feel like confident enough when it came to Buffer Overflow.

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Checklists, Resources

File Upload Restriction Bypass Checklist


When enumerating web applications, we often find ourselves in front of a file upload file that allows us to potentially upload malicious files onto the application, such as a PHP or ASP shell, although these will often have certain restrictions that will only allow certain file types, extensions, file names or contents.

Through this checklist, I hope to cover most of the possible bypass methods that can be used to get past this restriction.

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