
Buffer Overflow

Buffer Overflow, Guides, Stack Buffer Overflow

Complete Guide to Stack Buffer Overflow (OSCP Preparation)


Stack buffer overflow is a memory corruption vulnerability that occurs when a program writes more data to a buffer located on the stack than what is actually allocated for that buffer, therefore overflowing to a memory address that is outside of the intended data structure.

This will often cause the program to crash, and if certain conditions are met, it could allow an attacker to gain remote control of the machine with privileges as high as the user running the program, by redirecting the flow execution of the application to malicious code.

The purpose of this guide is to teach the basics of stack buffer overflow, especially for students preparing for the OSCP certification exam.

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Buffer Overflow, Guides, Stack Buffer Overflow

Stack Buffer Overflow – Vulnserver Guide


Vulnserver is a multithreaded Windows based TCP server that listens for client connections on port 9999 and it is primarily used for Stack Buffer Overflow exploitation practice.

I was suggested this great tool when preparing for my OSCP certification exam as I didn’t feel like confident enough when it came to Buffer Overflow.

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