CTF Walkthroughs, TryHackMe

TryHackMe – Retro Walkthrough


This was a Windows machine that required to enumerate a WordPress instance to identify user credentials and remotely authenticate via RDP and exploit the Windows COM Vulnerability to escalate privileges to SYSTEM.


The first thing to do is to run a TCP Nmap scan against the 1000 most common ports, and using the following flags:

  • -sC to run default scripts
  • -sV to enumerate applications versions

The scan has revealed two open ports: 80 (HTTP) and 3389 (RDP), that means HTTP is probably the best way forward.

Enumerating HTTP

The next step is to run a scan to find hidden files or directories using Gobuster, with the following flags:

  • dir to specify the scan should be done against directories and files
  • -u to specify the target URL
  • -w to specify the word list to use
  • -x to specify the extensions to enumerate
  • -t to specify the number of concurrent threads

When navigating to the /retro site, it appears to be a WordPress implementation:

When running WPScan against the target machine with the following flags, a “wade” user is found:

  • –url to specify the URL for the Wordrpess application, in this case
  • -e to specify the elements to enumerate, in this case, ap for all plugins, at for all themes, tt for timthumbs, cb for config backups, dbe for database exports, u for users and m for media:
  • –plugins-detection aggressive to enumerate all existing plugins

It appears that Wade has published a post on the WordPress site:

And it seems a comment containing a password was added as well:

As it turns out, the password mentioned in the comment was being used by the “wade” user on the machine. Authenticating remotely via RDP using FreeRDP:

Privilege Escalation

Enumerating system information to find out more information about the operating system, its version/build and any hotfixes installed:

This specific build of Windows 10 is affected by a kernel exploit that allows for privilege escalation (2017-0213), as mentioned in PayloadAllTheThings:

This GitHub repository contains an executable that can be used to exploit this vulnerability:

The “Affected Products” section of the repository also confirms that the build the box is running is vulnerable:

Downloading the archive containing the exploit and decompressing it, then setting up a Python Simple HTTP Server to host it:

Transferring the exploit to the target machine using the Powershell Invoke-WebRequest CMDLet:

The request was received

Executing the exploit on the target machine:

Upon execution, the exploit has spawned a new CMD shell as SYSTEM:


Even though the exploitation part for this box was quite trivial and the privilege escalation was done through a kernel exploit, I still enjoyed it as finding the exploit did require some research and automated enumeration tools would come back with a lot of false positives.